Tuesday, December 23, 2008

North Seattle Homebrew Club Meeting

Here is a photo of the North Seattle Homebrew club meeting that we hosted in October.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

2008 Winter Beer Festival

Last weekend we were at the Winter Beer Festival at Hales and tied for 2nd place overall. Take a look at the complete wrap up....


Picture of Michele at our booth...


Sunday, August 17, 2008

08-18-08 Recent Brewery Photos

Our new malt mill sitting over the chiller.

Picture inside the brewery.

Bright Tank and fermenter.

Picture of the brewery while standing on the Burke-Gilman Trail.

Another picture from the Burke-Gilman Trail with our display sign.

More pictures of the malt mill.

A side view of the malt mill with the hopper and motor.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Random Brewery Pictures

Bright Tank Pictures

Bright Tank Before.

Bright tank disassembled by the daytime welding class students.

Tank outer shell.

Allen cutting down the bright tank legs with the plasma cutter.

Scott wrapping the glycol lines around the bright tank.

Brew kettle pictures

Allen welding on a jacket on the bottom of the kettle which has worked out perfect. Thanks Allen!

Welding class with Charlie. Charlie... we can't thank you enough for everything you've done for us.

Another picture at welding class.

Brewery Construction Pictures

Here are a couple of before shots of the brewery...

Picture of the brewery less some equipment like the bright tank.

Here is a more recent picture of the brewery with the glycol chiller and bright tank.

Inaugral Brew Pictures