Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Moving onto Brewery 2.0!!

Hey Everyone!
We at Gilligan's Brewing Co. are very excited to let you know that we've begun developing a plan to get our next brewery up and running sometime in 2010! We hope to open by the summer, but know that we have ALOT of work to do in order to see that goal come to fruition. However, we are all very dedicated to this endeavor and want to share our beer with you again soon! We had so much fun with you down on the BGT and want to continue developing that relationship and sense of community.
We'll keep you posted with developments as they come through and I really want to keep this blog up to date to generate discussion as to what YOU want to see in YOUR next favorite brewery;) I've been thinking a lot about the restaurant portion of the brewery and I'm going to come back soon with some questions of you to spark this conversation. Remember, this is your brewery too, and we want you to have a voice because it is your support that is ultimately going to help this brewery succeed.
Thank you all once again for spending your time with us in the past and we can't wait to be drinking a pint with you in the future!!!! Cheers,
the gang at gilligan's

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Gilligan's Brewing Comes to an End

Hey everyone. Well we know this was coming for a while but it's now official... As sad as it is, Gilligan's Brewing Company down on the Burke is finally closed.

Here's a before shot:

Here's some pictures after installing everything:

Here's a picture of a few friends hanging out down at the brewery...

Here's a sad picture of the space after we moved the brewing equipment out...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Our last growler sales on Thurs night - 9/17/09

Here's a couple of pictures from out last Thursday night growler sale. We had a great turnout and thanks to everyone who made it down to the brewery.

Seattle Homebrewer's Club Meeting - 9/15/09

Here are few pictures from the last Seattle Homebrewer's meeting down at Gilligan's. It was ton of fun and there were a bunch of really great homebrews. Thanks for making it everyone.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dancers at Gilligan's!

Hey everyone. Last Thursday, we had a group of Morris Men dancer's from Yorkshire and Seattle who contacted us about dancing down at the brewery. It was a ton of fun. Here are some pictures from their visit...

Michele filling up samples...

Mark having way too good of a time. :)

Mark (and Seth) joining the dancers...

Dancers from Yorkshire.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Gilligan's Delivers Kegs! (well not really)

Hey everyone. Someone dropped by with a sweet dutch bike last night that was perfect for delivering kegs so I had to take it out for a test spin. Here are few pics...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Out of Growlers!

Hey everyone. Just wanted to warn everybody that we ran out of growlers and the manufacturer is out of stock so it might be a little bit of time before we get them back down at the brewery. So please feel free to bring down your growlers from home but be sure to check out the Events page first to make sure we're down at the brewery before you head down.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Gilligan's Allowed to Stay! (at least for a little bit longer)

So we finally got in touch with the owner and they've agreed to let us stay until the end of Sept. We're going to try to have more regular hours and make the most of the summer down at the brewery while we have it. Thanks for everyone's support and please keep a look out for growlers sales and tastings throughout the summer.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

04-25-09 Update

Hey everyone. Just wanted to put up a quick post... so recently we were on King5 news and I want to thank Eric for contacting us and doing the story on nano-breweries. Unfortunately, the owner of ActivSpace saw this and wants us out now. I'm really not sure why exactly and I'm hoping to talk to them about it but it's been a bit of challenge trying to setup a meeting with one of the owners. So... we pulled down any hours that we had posted on the calendar until this gets sorted out. Hopefully it won't come to this but if it does... we'll be closing the doors in the next month or so. Regardless of how this turns out, I really appreciate all of the help that we've had along the way and I hope people don't view this as wasted time. Not sure what will happen next but we wouldn't have made it this far without your help. Thanks again.
Here's the news story if you're interested: